The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Remote Testimony

February 28, 2024

In today’s legal landscape, there is a shift in how courts conduct depositions, hearings, and trials. Remote testimony has become a standard tool in the current legal process. While it offers several advantages, it raises crucial questions about legality and ethics.

Continue reading to learn the ethical aspects of remote testimony and explore the best practices.

The Rise of Remote Testimony

There’s been a gradual increase in the adoption of remote testimony after COVID-19. It helps witnesses participate in legal proceedings from virtually anywhere. The process also offers benefits like increased accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and convenience. The approach mainly helps individuals with disabilities and those residing in remote locations. Additionally, it lets courts expedite cases, reduce costs, and increase access to more people.

Ethical Considerations for Remote Testimony

The shift to remote testimony presents unique challenges. Careful consideration is necessary to ensure fairness, witness credibility, and adherence to ethical guidelines. Several ethical principles underpin responsible remote testimony:

  • Fairness: Both sides deserve an equal opportunity to present their case and challenge witness testimony during the process. Therefore, there’s a need for clear technology use protocols, uninterrupted testimony, and cross-examination opportunities.
  • Witness Preparation and Coaching: While reasonable preparation is essential, ethical lines blur when it becomes coaching. Remote settings might create new avenues for subtle coaching, making vigilance from attorneys and courts crucial.
  • Technology Competence: Legal professionals involved in remote proceedings must fully grasp the technology to avoid technical glitches and disruptions. This includes understanding platform features, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring data security.
  • Confidentiality: It’s important to protect sensitive information in a virtual environment. Lawyers should implement secure platforms, encryption protocols, and clear data-handling policies.

Strategies for Ethical Remote Testimony

All stakeholders share responsibilities for ensuring ethical practices in the legal process. Some of the factors to consider include:

  • Guidelines: The American Bar Association’s (ABA) Formal Opinion 508 provides clear ethics recommendations surrounding remote witness testimony. It emphasizes the critical role of witness preparation in maintaining ethical standards. Lawyers should understand these relevant rules and best practices. They should also communicate clearly with opposing counsel and the court regarding technology use and protocols.
  • Witness Coaching: The line between preparation and coaching can be blurry, especially in remote settings. It is unethical to influence or manipulate a witness’s testimony. It undermines the integrity of the legal process. Lawyers can share documents with witnesses but not coach them on how to interpret them.
  • Technology Familiarity: Legal professionals in remote proceedings must be comfortable and competent with the technology. The knowledge should go beyond basic video conferencing skills. It must include platform features, troubleshooting, and data security.
  • Witness Responsibility: Witnesses also have ethical obligations in remote settings. They should provide truthful and complete testimony, regardless of location or pressure. They should also maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information shared during the proceedings. The lawyers and court must address any ethical concerns or disruptions immediately.

Good technology and support play an important role in ethical processes. Any technical disruptions during a remote testimony can cause irreparable harm in the form of ethical doubts. Partnering with a reputed team like Legal Media Experts can impact your success. We provide a range of court reporting services, including remote testimony support. If you want legal media support in Durham, contact us to learn more about our services.

How to Prepare Your Witness for a Remote Testimony

December 22, 2023

In the changing landscape of legal proceedings, the way witnesses prepare has been transformed by remote testimony. Moving from the conventional courtroom to virtual platforms requires careful attention to detail to maintain a compelling and credible presentation.

Read on to learn how to prepare your witness for remote testimony effectively.

Understanding the Challenges in Remote Trial

Transitioning from physical courtrooms to virtual spaces presents distinct hurdles. Despite the convenience, remote testimonies introduce nuances that must not be overlooked. Factors such as the filming environment, demeanor, and technological proficiency significantly impact the credibility and effectiveness of witness testimony.

Essential Guidelines for Witness Preparation

Getting a witness ready for court is a big deal! These guidelines help lawyers and witnesses fully prepare for their time before the judge or jury. Let’s check out these essential tips for getting all set for the big day:

Setting the Stage

Consider the environment where the witness will testify. Advise them on lighting, background, and camera angles to maintain focus on their testimony and avoid distractions.

Dress Rehearsal

Conduct a full dress rehearsal days before the testimony. Evaluate attire, background, and any potential visual distractions. This trial ensures a polished and professional presentation.

Controlling the Scene

Instruct the witness to place a sign on the door to prevent interruptions during filming. Control over the physical space adds to the credibility of the testimony.

Cinematography Matters

Pay attention to details like camera positioning and background. A neutral backdrop and proper lighting can enhance the overall impact of the testimony.

Advocacy and Presence During Testimony

It is crucial to have confidence and readiness when it’s your moment to speak in a remote trial. Let’s explore how being prepared and self-assured can significantly impact the presence of your witness before the judge or jury:

Advocate’s Presence

Consider being present with the witness during remote testimony. This availability comforts the witness and demonstrates transparency and ethical conduct.

Technical Walkthroughs

Conduct a thorough technical walkthrough before the testimony. Ensure the witness is comfortable navigating the platform to prevent technological distractions during the proceedings.

Professional Attire

Stress the importance of professional attire. Dressing correctly contributes to the credibility and seriousness of the testimony.

Mindful Demeanor

Remind the witness of the significance of their demeanor. Even seemingly inconsequential moments during breaks can impact the overall perception of credibility.

Jury’s Lens

Highlight the significance of the jury’s perception. Jurors analyze not just the content but also the delivery and demeanor of the witness.

Content Prioritization

Emphasize the importance of consistent performance throughout the testimony. Every moment holds the potential to influence the jury’s assessment.


Preparing a witness for remote testimony isn’t just about technology—it’s a mix of tech know-how, careful planning, and intelligent advocacy. Taking the time to prepare well protects against problems that might come up if the testimony isn’t presented correctly. In the changing legal world, knowing how to prepare a witness for remote situations is a must-have skill for legal pros. Legal Media Experts can help you organize and present your witness in a remote testimony. Contact us now to learn more.

How to Use Exhibits in Legal Proceedings

June 29, 2023

Legal proceedings can often be complex due to the need to present evidence in a clear and compelling manner. This is where exhibits come into play, allowing legal professionals to visually and effectively showcase evidence. Whether it’s a powerful photograph, a pivotal document, a compelling video, or any tangible object, exhibits serve as invaluable tools to enhance the overall understanding of the case.

What Exactly Are Exhibits?

Exhibits is the legal term given to any physical or electronic objects or documents that are presented as evidence in court. They serve as visual aids to help clarify and support arguments made by attorneys, allowing judges, juries, and even opposing counsel to understand complex information more easily. Many things can be used as exhibits, including photographs, diagrams, medical records, contracts, financial statements, or even digital evidence such as emails and social media posts.

The Role of Exhibits

When using exhibits, it’s important to remember just what their role in legal proceedings is:

● Presentation of Facts: Exhibits provide a tangible representation of facts or events in a case. For example, a photograph of a crime scene can provide a clear visual understanding of the location and conditions at the time of the incident.

● Simplifying Complex Information: Legal cases often involve complex concepts, technical details, or voluminous documents. Exhibits can simplify such information by condensing it into a visual format that is easier to comprehend.

● Enhancing Witness Testimony: Exhibits can support or corroborate witness testimony. For instance, a witness may describe an accident scene, and an exhibit, such as a diagram or a 3D model, can help visualize and reinforce their account. This strengthens the credibility of the witness and makes their testimony more memorable.

The Importance of Professional Exhibit Presentation

To ensure exhibits are presented effectively, legal professionals often rely on the expertise of exhibit presentation specialists.

These specialists understand the nuances of presenting exhibits in court and have the technical skills to create visually compelling displays. They can assist in organizing and cataloging exhibits, preparing digital presentations, and operating the necessary equipment during trials.

By leveraging their knowledge and experience, attorneys can maximize the impact of their exhibits, improving their chances of success.

How Best to Use Exhibits in Legal Proceedings

While exhibits can be a powerful tool in legal proceedings, their effectiveness greatly depends on how they are used. Here are some key considerations for utilizing exhibits in the most impactful way:

● Relevance and Authenticity: When selecting exhibits, ensure their relevance to the case at hand. Each exhibit should directly support a specific argument or factual claim. Additionally, it is essential to establish the authenticity of the exhibit, proving that it is a true and accurate representation of the evidence.

● Clarity and Simplicity: Exhibits should be clear and easily understandable. Avoid using overly complex visuals or technical jargon that may confuse or overwhelm the audience. Focus on simplicity and clarity to effectively convey the intended message.

● Technology and Multimedia: Leverage technology and multimedia tools to enhance the impact of exhibits. Utilize presentation software, projectors, screens, or other digital platforms to display exhibits clearly and vividly. Incorporating multimedia elements such as animations, videos, or audio recordings can further engage the audience and strengthen the visual impact.

By harnessing the power of exhibits, attorneys can leave a lasting impression on judges, juries, and opposing counsel. As such, it’s worth reaching out to professionals like Legal Media Experts to take care of your legal media needs. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer.

Unveiling the Rich History of Charlotte and Its Legal Heritage

June 9, 2023

Charlotte, North Carolina, is a city with a captivating history and a rich legal heritage. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing past of Charlotte and explore its significant role in shaping the legal landscape of the region.

The Early Days of Charlotte:
Founded in the late 18th century, Charlotte emerged as a pioneer settlement in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. Its name, given in honor of Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, reflects its connection to British heritage and royal influence.

The Growth and Transformation of Charlotte:
Over the years, Charlotte experienced remarkable growth and development. It quickly became a hub of economic activity, fueled by industries such as textiles, banking, and commerce. As the city expanded, so did its legal institutions and the need for legal professionals to administer justice and uphold the rule of law.

The Establishment of Legal Institutions:

As Charlotte flourished, courts and legal institutions were established to meet the growing demand for legal services. These institutions played a vital role in resolving disputes, ensuring fairness, and upholding the principles of justice. Attorneys, judges, and legal professionals worked diligently to serve the community and protect the rights of its residents.

Key Legal Landmarks:
Throughout its history, Charlotte has been the site of numerous legal landmarks and significant legal events. Notable cases have been litigated in its courts, shaping legal precedents and influencing the broader legal landscape of the region. From civil rights cases to business disputes, Charlotte has been at the center of legal battles that have made a lasting impact.

Preserving Legal Records:
The preservation of legal records is essential for the administration of justice. Court reporters, paralegals, and other legal professionals in Charlotte play a crucial role in maintaining accurate and reliable records of court proceedings, depositions, and other legal events. These records serve as valuable resources for case preparation, research, and historical documentation.

Legal Education and Advancement:
Charlotte is home to esteemed law schools and legal education institutions that equip aspiring lawyers with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful legal career. These institutions contribute to the growth and development of the legal profession, fostering a culture of legal excellence in the city.

The history of Charlotte is closely intertwined with its legal heritage. From its humble beginnings as a pioneer settlement to its current status as a thriving city, the legal landscape of Charlotte has evolved alongside its growth. The legal institutions, professionals, and significant legal events have shaped the city’s legal identity and contributed to the pursuit of justice in the region. As Charlotte continues to evolve, its legal community will remain a cornerstone of its society, upholding the principles of justice and ensuring a fair and equitable society for all.

When it comes to professional court reporting and videography services in Charlotte and across North Carolina, Legal Media Experts is your trusted partner. With our unwavering commitment to professionalism, comprehensive service offering, convenient scheduling options and tailored solutions, we guarantee a seamless and reliable experience.

Contact us today via our online scheduling tool or by phone at 800-446-1387, and let us take care of all your court reporting and videography needs with precision and professionalism.

Zoom Hybrid Deposition vs. Zoom Deposition: Unveiling the Differences

May 25, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, technology has revolutionized the way legal proceedings are conducted. With the advent of virtual platforms like Zoom, legal professionals have embraced remote depositions as an efficient means of gathering testimonies and evidence. As the legal landscape evolves, two prominent deposition formats have emerged: Zoom hybrid depositions and Zoom depositions. In this blog post, we will delve into the key differences between these two formats and explore their respective advantages and considerations.

Zoom Deposition:
A Zoom deposition refers to a fully remote deposition conducted solely through the Zoom video conferencing platform. Participants, including the attorneys, court reporters, and witnesses, join the deposition from their respective locations, eliminating the need for physical presence in a shared space. This format offers several benefits:

1. Convenience and Cost Savings: Zoom depositions allow participants to attend from any location with an internet connection, saving travel time and associated expenses. This convenience makes it particularly useful when deponents or legal professionals are geographically dispersed.

2. Efficiency and Flexibility: Participants can schedule and conduct Zoom depositions at mutually convenient times, enabling greater scheduling flexibility. This efficiency factor can contribute to shorter deposition durations, as there is less time wasted on logistics and setup.

Zoom Hybrid Deposition:
A Zoom hybrid deposition combines elements of both in-person and remote proceedings. It involves having some participants physically present in a deposition room, while others join remotely via Zoom. The key features of a hybrid deposition are as follows:

1. In-Person Presence: With a hybrid deposition, attorneys and some witnesses are physically present in a designated deposition room, promoting a more traditional setting. This setup allows for nonverbal cues and visual interactions that can enhance communication.

2. Remote Participation: Other participants, such as remote witnesses or experts, can join the deposition via Zoom from their respective locations. This remote aspect ensures flexibility, reducing logistical constraints and enabling key participants to contribute without being physically present.

Differences and Considerations:
While both Zoom hybrid depositions and Zoom depositions share the underlying remote nature, some key differences and considerations set them apart:

1. Physical Interaction: Zoom hybrid depositions offer the advantage of in-person interactions between certain participants, allowing for face-to-face communication, which can be beneficial for building rapport and observing nonverbal cues.

2. Technical Considerations: Hybrid depositions require careful coordination of audiovisual equipment  (such as a new laptop/webcam) to ensure a seamless experience for both remote and in-person participants. The technical setup and potential challenges associated with it should be considered in advance.

As the legal industry continues to embrace the advantages of remote proceedings, both Zoom hybrid depositions and Zoom depositions offer unique benefits and considerations. Zoom depositions provide the utmost convenience and cost savings, while Zoom hybrid depositions blend the advantages of in-person interactions and remote flexibility. Choosing between the two formats depends on the specific requirements of each case and the preferences of the legal professionals involved. By leveraging the power of technology, legal practitioners can optimize their deposition experiences and adapt to the evolving landscape of the legal industry.

Overcoming Zoom Technical Challenges During a Deposition

May 24, 2023

As remote depositions become increasingly common in the legal profession, the use of video conferencing platforms like Zoom has become the norm. While remote depositions offer convenience and flexibility, they also bring the potential for technical difficulties that can disrupt the proceedings. In this blog post, we will explore the common technical issues that may arise during a Zoom deposition and provide practical tips to navigate through them smoothly, ensuring a successful remote deposition experience.

Prepare in Advance:

Preparation is key to minimizing the risk of technical difficulties. Familiarize yourself with Zoom’s features and functionality, and ensure that your device meets the technical requirements for a smooth deposition. Test your internet connection, audio, and video quality before the deposition begins. It’s also advisable to have a backup plan, such as a secondary device or a phone line, in case of unexpected issues.

Designate a Technical Support Contact:
Identify a dedicated technical support contact who can assist you promptly if any issues arise during the deposition. This can be a colleague, an IT professional, or even a videographer/Zoom technician if present. Communicate their contact information to all participants in advance, so they know whom to reach out to for immediate troubleshooting.

Address Bandwidth and Internet Issues:
Internet connectivity problems are one of the most common issues during remote depositions. If you experience lagging audio, video freezing, or dropped connections, there are a few steps you can take. First, close any unnecessary applications or browser tabs to conserve bandwidth. If possible, connect to a wired internet connection instead of relying on Wi-Fi, as it tends to be more stable. If the issues persist, consider rescheduling the deposition or switching to an alternative video conferencing platform.

Troubleshoot in Real-time:
During the deposition, if technical issues arise, it’s crucial to address them promptly without disrupting the proceedings. If you experience audio or video issues, try muting and unmuting your microphone or turning off and on your camera. You can also try leaving the meeting and rejoining to refresh the connection. If these quick fixes don’t resolve the issue, inform the other participants and pause the deposition briefly to troubleshoot further or switch to an alternative communication method temporarily. If there is a videographer present, they can usually fix most issues quickly.

Maintain Professionalism and Patience:
Technical difficulties can be frustrating, but it’s crucial to maintain professionalism and patience throughout the deposition. Encourage participants to communicate openly about any technical issues they encounter, to remain calm, and to work collaboratively to find solutions. Emphasize the importance of allowing extra time for troubleshooting and being flexible with the deposition schedule.

While technical difficulties during remote depositions can be disruptive, being prepared and proactive can help navigate through these challenges effectively. By establishing a strong connection, addressing audio and video issues, managing document and exhibit sharing, having backup plans, and maintaining professionalism, participants can overcome Zoom technical difficulties and ensure a successful and productive deposition. With proper troubleshooting and a patient approach, legal professionals can adapt to the digital environment and continue to facilitate the deposition process efficiently.

Live PIP (Picture in picture) Over Zoom

May 11, 2023

What is a Live PIP Over Zoom & how can it benefit me and my case?
Live Picture in picture video is very similar to a post-production PIP, with the difference being that everybody over Zoom will be able to see the PIP live during the deposition, but why would you want something like this? Well first off you will be able to see both the exhibit and the witness on one screen, this is especially good if you’re trying to capture a deponents’ reaction of a document, it creates a very clean zoom picture for everybody and spices up the zoom video deposition experience. Another benefit is that you are not only limited to only two outputs, you can connect a laptop, camera, Elmo and iPad all at the same time while being able to switch back and forth extremely quick!

What Do I Need To Do To Get a Live PIP Over Zoom?
It’s actually quite simple to set this up and just takes a few minutes of your time before the deposition. Simply when you schedule your next deposition with us request a live PIP and send over the exhibits you plan on using and that’s all!
(Note: if you label the exhibits you want to use something like “Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2” it will easier for the videographer to navigate through the exhibits and will make things go quicker)

The Value of In-Person Depositions

May 8, 2023

In the era of technological advancements and virtual communication, the legal profession has embraced the convenience and efficiency of remote interactions. However, the significance of in-person depositions should not be overlooked. In this blog post, we explore why attorneys often prefer in-person depositions and the unique benefits they offer in the legal landscape.

Establishing Personal Connections:
In-person depositions provide attorneys with an opportunity to establish personal connections and build rapport with witnesses, experts, and other participants. Face-to-face interactions foster a deeper level of trust, empathy, and understanding, which can prove invaluable during the deposition process. The ability to gauge non-verbal cues and reactions in real-time allows attorneys to tailor their questioning strategies and build stronger cases.

Assessing Witness Credibility:
Observing witnesses’ demeanor, body language, and reactions firsthand is a crucial aspect of assessing their credibility. In-person depositions allow attorneys to closely observe these cues, providing valuable insights that may not be as apparent in virtual settings. Detecting subtle nuances in a witness’s responses or demeanor can significantly impact case strategy and witness preparation.

Effective Cross-Examination:
Cross-examination is a fundamental skill in litigation, and in-person depositions offer attorneys the advantage of conducting more effective and persuasive questioning. The ability to establish direct eye contact, use physical proximity to exert pressure, and employ courtroom-like dynamics can enhance an attorney’s ability to elicit crucial information, challenge inconsistencies, and uncover hidden motives effectively.

Engaging with Exhibits and Demonstratives:
In-person depositions provide attorneys with an opportunity to engage with physical exhibits and demonstratives more effectively. Presenting tangible evidence, charts, diagrams, or models can have a significant impact on the deposition’s persuasive power. Attorneys can manipulate and showcase these materials directly, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of their relevance for all participants.

Enhanced Non-Verbal Communication:
In-person depositions offer a broader range of non-verbal communication opportunities that can influence the proceedings. Attorneys can use body language, facial expressions, and gestures to convey messages, express empathy, or challenge witness credibility. These nuanced interactions are more difficult to replicate in virtual settings and can play a crucial role in shaping the deposition’s outcome.

Collaboration and Strategy with Co-Counsel:
In-person depositions foster seamless collaboration and strategy development among co-counsel. Attorneys can communicate and exchange ideas more efficiently, leveraging their collective expertise and experience. The ability to have real-time discussions and consultations during breaks or downtime enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the deposition process.

While remote technologies have transformed the legal landscape, the value of in-person depositions remains significant. Attorneys recognize the unique benefits that face-to-face interactions provide, from establishing personal connections and assessing witness credibility to effective cross-examination and non-verbal communication. In-person depositions offer a level of engagement, spontaneity, and strategizing that may be challenging to replicate in virtual settings. By carefully evaluating each case’s circumstances, attorneys can determine the most appropriate approach to depositions, ensuring they leverage the advantages of both in-person and remote interactions for the optimal outcome for their clients.

                                                To book your next deposition, Please call our office at 1-800-446-1387 or Click Here!

The Advantages of Zoom Hybrid Depositions

The legal profession has rapidly adapted to the digital age, embracing technological advancements that enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and provide greater flexibility. One such innovation is the emergence of Zoom hybrid depositions, which combine traditional deposition practices with the power of video conferencing. In this blog post, we explore why attorneys are increasingly opting for Zoom hybrid depositions and the benefits they offer in today’s fast-paced legal landscape.

Convenience and Efficiency:
Zoom hybrid depositions provide attorneys with unparalleled convenience and efficiency. By leveraging video conferencing technology, attorneys can conduct depositions remotely, eliminating the need for extensive travel. This saves valuable time and resources, allowing attorneys to focus on other critical aspects of their caseload. Additionally, scheduling becomes more flexible as participants can join the deposition from various locations, accommodating their availability and reducing scheduling conflicts.

Travel expenses, including accommodation and transportation, can quickly escalate during traditional in-person depositions. Zoom hybrid depositions significantly reduce these costs, making them an attractive option for attorneys. By conducting depositions remotely, attorneys can allocate their resources more efficiently, ensuring that their clients receive cost-effective legal representation without compromising the quality of the deposition process.

Increased Access to Witnesses and Experts:
Zoom hybrid depositions break down geographical barriers, enabling attorneys to access witnesses and experts who may be located far away or in different jurisdictions. This expanded reach allows attorneys to secure critical testimonies without the logistical challenges associated with travel and coordination. As a result, attorneys can build stronger cases by accessing a broader pool of knowledgeable and relevant witnesses.

Flexibility in Document Sharing:
In a traditional deposition setting, attorneys often rely on physical copies of documents and exhibits. Zoom hybrid depositions provide an opportunity to digitize the process, allowing attorneys to share electronic documents seamlessly. With screen-sharing capabilities, attorneys can present exhibits in real-time, ensuring that all participants have simultaneous access to the materials. This digital approach promotes efficiency, collaboration, and a streamlined deposition experience.

Improved Focus and Engagement:
While some may argue that virtual interactions can lead to distractions, Zoom hybrid depositions can actually enhance focus and engagement. Attorneys have the ability to maintain a central role in the deposition, directing the questioning and managing the proceedings effectively. Additionally, the virtual environment can reduce interruptions and disruptions, allowing for a more fluid and focused deposition experience.

The advent of Zoom hybrid depositions has revolutionized the way attorneys approach depositions, offering convenience, cost-effectiveness, and expanded access to witnesses and experts. Embracing this technology allows attorneys to streamline their workflow, improve efficiency, and ultimately provide enhanced legal services to their clients. As the legal profession continues to evolve, Zoom hybrid depositions have emerged as a valuable tool, empowering attorneys to navigate the complexities of modern litigation effectively.

                                           To book your next deposition, Please call our office at 1-800-446-1387 or Click Here!

Post Production PIP (Picture in picture)

May 2, 2023

Legal Media Experts
Post Production PIP (Picture in picture)
Utilize Your Video Depositions To Its Fullest Capability

What is a post-production PIP & how can it benefit me?
Picture-in-picture video is a very useful way to grab the attention of the jury, and sets your deposition apart from a typical deposition. A picture-in-picture (PIP) deposition is a video recording of a witness’s testimony that includes a smaller video feed of the witness speaking in addition to the primary video feed showing the exhibit being presented. While no exhibits are being utilized, the video will only show the deponent in full-screen, just like a normal video deposition. This helps the jury follow along and more understand what’s going on. It can also capture a deponent’s reaction to a document.

This is an example of what a picture-in-picture video deposition would look like.

                                                                                                                                      Another benefit is that you can present picture-in-picture exhibits from multiple sources, like and:
iPad / Tablet
Second Camera

How Do I Get a PIP Video Deposition?
It’s actually quite simple to set this up, simply when you schedule your next deposition with us request a PIP video and then send over your exhibits, and you are all done!.
(Note: if you label the exhibits you want to use something like “Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2” it will easier for the videographer to navigate through the exhibits and will make things go quicker)

                                            Click Here or Call (910) 777-5375 to schedule your next deposition With us!